Aish~! I've been neglecting my blog huh?
Sorry! :D but I have some photos you guys can look at :)
They're not super new~ but the newest is about 2 weeks old max!

Going from new to old~ mega photo dump time ;D!
(all photos taken and edited by Mizu Mikado@littlemoerabbit)

Mizu keeps taking random pictures of mee~ XD

after 4am fun
It seemed like a good idea at the time. Lucien, Mizu, Me and Party Bear.

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We look like a sitcom cast on that couch. Chiu, Lucien, Mizu, Me and Eris.

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Me and Chiu! Rocking our Lo*momo Matinee dresses.

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Mizu, Lucien, Me and Sayu in a freebie school uniform. I look like a right bossy little leadja front and center!

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Magical elfiness~ Mizu's graphics make me look good huh? My laptop could never get all the glowy details!

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I really like this picture. I didn't even know Mizu took it!

There's a load more pictures on Mizu's flickr. There's bigger versions of the pictures here too! Just click on one of the above pictures to check it. Please give it a look!

I've been so busy hunting stuff on the FabFree blog. Also, I've been hanging around the Balamb Garden Sim. The attention to detail is stunning! Check it out!

I have a new bunch of stuff to show you guys at somepoint. I just have to get round to it.

Peace Out!


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